Renewal Church

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World Relief and Good Neighbors

“...I was a stranger and you took Me in.” ~Matthew 25:35

About a year and a half ago I felt the Lord challenging me to get outside my four walls a bit. We work from home and at the time we were homeschooling our kids, so I was quite literally inside the four walls of our home the majority of the time. Specifically, I was looking for a way that our family could serve others together. My husband, the wonderful man that he is, jumped on board with me and we went through the World Relief volunteer orientation, so our family could be part of a Good Neighbor Team. These teams walk alongside new refugee or asylee families to help them adjust to their new life here in America.

The family that we've had the honor of becoming friends with came to the USA from Kenya & they have quite a story! In December 2018 the wife & 2 daughters, ages 3 & 5, were reunited with their husband/father, who had been a refugee here in Memphis for over 3 years. A few of our Good Neighbor Team had the joy of witnessing their reunion at the airport late one December night. This was the first time the 3 year old daughter & the dad had ever met in person, as he was relocated to the USA before she was born. Can you imagine?!

For the past 9 months we've built friendships with this sweet family. Visiting in their home & ours, running errands together, over a cup of tea, in doctors' offices, registering for school... I have often been struck by the realization of how challenging it would be to be in a completely new environment, navigating barriers of language & culture, separated from other family & loved ones who are still on the other side of the world. Our new friends are strong & determined, that's for sure!

“Two people are better than one. They can help each other in everything they do. Suppose either of them falls down. Then the one can help the other one up. But suppose a person falls down and doesn’t have anyone to help them up.” ~Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

We have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know this family & being able to help them settle in here. That's not to say that the relationship has always been convenient or without challenge, but knowing that this is one way we can show the love of Jesus to them far exceeds any inconvenience! And isn't that what life is all about?

-April & Josh Samuels

Learn more about World Relief here