Renewal Church

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Klubhouse - Jan 29, "Going Home"

Klubhouse Kids!

Isn't it amazing that no matter what is happening in the world around us, that we can always be assured that God has a plan? Just like Jesus' followers in this week's story, sometimes we don't understand His plan, but His ways are always THE BEST! Check out this week's lesson video to see what God's plan is for you and me.

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January Scripture: Don’t forget to work on memorizing our scripture for this month: John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son. That whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.”

Talk About It: Below are some discussion questions you can use to talk about the lesson today:

  1. What did Jesus do with his followers when he found them in an upstairs room? (He ate and talked with them)

  2. What was so special about Jesus' body? (It was a real body, but better. It couldn't get sick or be killed again, and it could live forever)

  3. When Jesus told his friends that it was time for him to go home to his Father, what did he tell his friends to do? Hint: he wants us to do this too:) (Go everywhere and tell everyone that he loves them and died for them)

  4. What do you learn about Jesus from this story?

  5. Who do you know that needs to hear about this story?

Activity: Click here for an activity to practice this month's scripture verse. Click here for another practice activity.

Have a great week everyone!!

We love you guys!!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather
