Can you believe that just last week our yards were covered in snow, yet today it's warm and sunny outside? We hope that you get outside to enjoy some sunshine today.
This is our last lesson about LOVE this month. Our scripture for February is John 13:34b, ”Love one another. You must love one another just as I have loved you.”
Today we are talking about the best kind of love...Jesus' love for us! Click below for our lesson today!
Talk About It: Below are some discussion questions you can use to talk about the lesson today:
Tell an adult something that you learned about nicodemus in this week's lesson. (He was a Jewish religious leader, he visited Jesus one night to ask Him some questions, he didn't have all of the answers, etc.)
Jesus told Nicodemus that if he wanted to see the Kingdom Of God, he would need to be born again. What did Jesus mean by that? (He meant that when we believe that God sent his Son Jesus to die for us, that we become a new person. When we believe in God, we love Him so much that we want to live for Him)
What is one of the coolest ways that God showed His love for us? Hint: it's from one of the verses we talked about, John 3:16. (God so loved the world that He sent His own Son to die for us so that we could live with Him forever)
What are other ways that God shows His love for us? (He forgives our sins, He makes plans for us, He gives us nature to enjoy, He provides for our needs, etc.)