Renewal Church

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Klubhouse - Feb 5, "Talkin' About Love"

Hello Friends! 

It’s February…the month of LOVE. We are going to pause once again on the Jesus Storybook Bible, to spend this month learning about love!

Our scripture for February is John 13:34b, ”Love one another. You must love one another just as I have loved you.”

Click below for our lesson today!

Talk About It: Below are some discussion questions you can use to talk about the lesson today: Read John 13:1-17 

  1. Why did Jesus wash His disciples’ feet? 

  2. What are some other things Jesus did to show His love? 

  3. Why is love more than just pretty words? 

  4. How can our actions show other people the love of Jesus? 

  5. What are some actions you can take this week to show someone you love them? 

Activity: Here is a Valentines Day coloring page that you can print and color

Why not take some time this week to work on a Valentine for someone in your family? Don’t forget to put your LOVE into action this week!!


Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather
