Renewal Church

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Klubhouse - Sep 18, "Filled Full"

Klubhouse Kids!

Hi Friends! This week we will learn about one of the miracles Jesus did while he was here on earth; the feeding of the 5,000. Do you remember that story? A little boy was willing to share his lunch with a hungry crowd, and Jesus made it last for more than 5,000 people!

Talk About It: Here are some discussion questions you can use to talk about our lesson…

  1. What do you think you would have done if you were the only one with food in a crowd of hungry people?

  2. Do you think the people were surprised when the food kept coming?

  3. What does this lesson tell us about God?

  4. At the end of the story, it said that God was, “taking the darkness and making it light.” What does that mean?

September Scripture: Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added to you.”

Craft: Here Is A Fun, Activity Page For You To Print And Color!

(Click The Image To Download)

We love you guys!!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather
