
Klubhouse - Oct 30, “An Attitude Of Gratitude"

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Klubhouse Kids!

Can you believe that this Sunday is the first day of November!? We are going to take a short break from our study in the Jesus Storybook Bible, and spend November learning about thankfulness!

November Scripture: Ephesians 5:20 “…giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Talk About It: Below are some points you can use to talk about the lesson:

  1. What is an “attitude of gratitude”? (Being thankful and acting thankful!)

  2. Even though we are disappointed at times, what is something that we can ALWAYS be thankful for? (God’s love for us and what He has done for us!)

  3. How are we like pumpkins?? (We are all unique, God has chosen us, cares for us, cleanses us from sin, and puts His light inside of us)

Have a great week everyone!!

We love you guys!!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Oct 23, “Washed With Tears"

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Klubhouse Kids!

Hello Friends!! I am so excited to tell you about an event that we have planned for Friday, October 30, from 6-8pm. We are having a Drive-Thru Costume Party at Renewal! We will have treat bags (CANDY!!) to pass out to everyone who comes through! Dress up, dress your car up if you’d like, and lets have a little fun! You can email us if you’d like more info.

Today we are going to learn about a sinful woman who washes Jesus' feet with a jar of perfume. I love this story and hope that you will, too.

October scripture: Matthew 5:16 :…let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

Lesson #36

Talk About It: Below are some points you can use to talk about the lesson:

  1. Why was Jesus with the important leader and his important friends? (They had invited Jesus to eat dinner with them.)

  2. What was the woman carrying when she walked in and what was special about it? (She carried a jar of expensive perfume and it was special because it was the woman's treasure.)

  3. The people thought Jesus should not be kind to this woman. why? (Because she was a sinner.)

  4. Why did the woman pour her expensive perfume on Jesus? (She knew she was a sinner, and she knew Jesus forgave her sins, and so she wanted to give Him her treasure.)

Activity: Make your own jar of perfume- Use play dough or clay and mold it into the shape of a jar. You can then spray it with a scented spray or perfume and let it dry until it hardens. Then use your jar to retell the story of the sinful woman who anoints Jesus. Tell someone what this story teaches you about Jesus.

I hope you will make plans to dress up and come by the church on Friday, October 30, for our Drive-Thru Costume Party! We will have goodies bags for each one of you!!

Have a great week everyone!!

We love you guys!!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Oct 16, “Running Away”

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Klubhouse Kids!

Hello Friends!! I am so excited to tell you about an event that we have planned for Friday, October 30, from 6-8pm. We are having a Drive-Thru Costume Party at Renewal! We will have treat bags (CANDY!!) to pass out to everyone who comes through! Dress up, dress your car up if you’d like, and lets have a little fun! You can email us if you’d like more info.

Today we are going to visit one of my most favorite parables that Jesus taught; The Prodigal Son. It is a beautiful picture of God’s love for us!

October scripture: Matthew 5:16 :…let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

Talk About It: This week we are learning about Zacchaeus. Below are some points you can use to talk about the lesson:

  1. Why did the son want to leave home? (He wondered if his father really wanted what was best for him)

  2. How did the father react when his son finally decided to return? (He was so happy!)

  3. Why do you think Jesus told this story? (He wanted us to understand God’s love)

  4. What does this story tell us about God and also about people? (God loves us and wants to be with us…even when we mess-up! Sometimes we think we know what is best, and try to fill ourselves up with everything the world has to offer)

Activity: Click here for some fun activities!

I hope you will make plans to dress up and come by the church on Friday, October 30, for our Drive-Thru Costume Party! We will have goodies bags for each one of you!!

Have a great week everyone!!

We love you guys!!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Oct 9, “The Man Who Didn’t Have Any Friends (none)”

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Klubhouse Kids!

Hello My Little Pumpkins!!I am so excited to tell you about an event that we have planned for Friday, October 30, from 6-8pm. We are having a Drive-Thru Costume Parade at Renewal! We will have treat bags (CANDY!!) to pass out to everyone who comes through! Dress up, dress your car up if you’d like, and lets have a little fun! You can email us if you’d like more info.

October scripture: Matthew 5:16 :…let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

Talk About It: This week we are learning about Zacchaeus. Below are some points you can use to talk about the lesson:

  1. Why did Zacchaeus not have any friends? (Because he stole people’s money)

  2. What did Jesus do when he saw Zacchaeus? (He went to his house!)

  3. What do we learn about people in this story? (Sometimes we sin…we judge people on how they act)

  4. What does this story tell us about God? (He loves us even though we make bad choices and sin. He wants to forgive us and help us to change!)

Activity: Here is a link to an activity page. Have fun!

Have a great week everyone!!

We love you guys!!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Oct 2, "The Friend Of Little Children"

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Klubhouse Kids!

Hello and Happy October!!

Our scripture for this month is: Matthew 5:16 “…let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

Talk About It: Here are some discussion questions you can use to talk about our lesson…

  1. What were Jesus’ disciples arguing about? (Who was the favorite/most important)

  2. Who came to see Jesus? What did the disciples do? (Little kids, the disciples told them to go away!)

  3. What do children have that Jesus said the adults should never lose? (Their childlike heart and trust)

  4. What does this tell us about God? (That he wants to be close to us and love us!)

Have a great week everyone!!

We love you guys!!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Sep 25, "Treasure Hunt"

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Klubhouse Kids!

Hi Friends! This week we will be going on a Treasure Hunt! Wait, really? Did you know that Jesus told a story about a hidden treasure in the book of Matthew? Click on the video link to hear the story that Jesus told to the people.

Talk About It: Here are some discussion questions you can use to talk about our lesson…

  1. How is the kingdom of God like a hidden treasure?

  2. Being in God’s kingdom is as wonderful as finding a treasure, but that does not mean you will make a lot of money; you may have to give things up. In the story the man gave up everything he had to get the treasure. We might have to give up things too—and because God is our real treasure, we will want to give those things up. What sort of things might we have to give up?

  3. What do we learn about God in our story this week?

September Scripture: Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added to you.”

Craft: Here are some fun, activity pages for you to print and color!

(Click The Images To Download)

We love you guys!!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Sep 18, "Filled Full"

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Klubhouse Kids!

Hi Friends! This week we will learn about one of the miracles Jesus did while he was here on earth; the feeding of the 5,000. Do you remember that story? A little boy was willing to share his lunch with a hungry crowd, and Jesus made it last for more than 5,000 people!

Talk About It: Here are some discussion questions you can use to talk about our lesson…

  1. What do you think you would have done if you were the only one with food in a crowd of hungry people?

  2. Do you think the people were surprised when the food kept coming?

  3. What does this lesson tell us about God?

  4. At the end of the story, it said that God was, “taking the darkness and making it light.” What does that mean?

September Scripture: Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added to you.”

Craft: Here Is A Fun, Activity Page For You To Print And Color!

(Click The Image To Download)

We love you guys!!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Sep 11, "The Captain Of The Storm"

By Renewal Church  /  

Klubhouse Kids! Hi Friends!

Let’s continue our study of the life of Jesus, in the Jesus Storybook Bible. Please click on the video for today’s lesson!

Talk About It: Here are some discussion questions you can use to talk about our lesson…

  1. What was Jesus doing when the storm was getting bad? (Sleeping)

  2. What did his friends say to him (“Rescue us! Save us! Don’t you care?”)

  3. What does this tell us about people? (Sometimes we forget that God is with us, we forget what He can do!)

  4. Jesus calmed everything with a few words. What does this tell us about Him? (He is in control of EVERYTHING!)

September Scripture: Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added to you.”

Craft: Here Is A Fun, Activity Page For You To Print And Color!

(Click The Image To Download)

We love you guys!!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Sep 4, "The Singer"

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Klubhouse Kids! Hi Everyone! Happy School Year!

We have resumed our study of the life of Jesus, in the Jesus Storybook Bible. Please click on the video for today’s lesson!

Talk About It: Here are some discussion questions you can use to talk about our lesson…

  1. What did Jesus day about the birds and the flowers? (That God takes care of them both!)

  2. Why should we not worry about having enough or things going as we’d like them to? (God takes care of our needs)

  3. What does this tell us about God? (He loves us very much!)

  4. How can we stop worrying? (Pray, ask God to help us trust that He is taking care of everything)

September Scripture: Matthew 6:33“But seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you.”

Craft: Click here for Fun Activities you can print and do at home

We love you guys!!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - How Stuff Works, Week 4

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Klubhouse Kids! This is our last week on the theme on How Stuff Works, and we're going to talk about one of the greatest gifts you can ever give — Forgiveness!

Part of the free kids curriculum at

Talk About It: Here are some discussion questions you can use to talk about our lesson…

  1. What’s your favorite part of the video? What’s one thing you learned from it?

  2. Share a time when a friend hurt your feelings. How did you respond?

  3. Why is forgiveness a gift?

  4. Why is Jesus a good model for forgiveness?

  5. How will you apply this lesson to your life this week?

Craft: Here is a fun, activity page for you to print and color! Click the image to download

(courtesy of

We love you guys!!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - How Stuff Works, Week 3

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Klubhouse Kids! If you're sick with the "gimmies," that means you want stuff you don't need. But, there is a cure! (check out the videos below…)

Klubhouse Parents! If you did not receive the email update from us this past week, please click here to read about whats happening in Klubhouse this fall.

Rising 6th Graders- We are celebrating you with a drive-thru move-up party on Saturday, Aug 22, from 3-4pm! We will have a gift, some goodies and lots of air hugs for each of you! Please contact Mrs. Becky or Mrs. Heather for more information!

Memory Verse: Philippians 4:19 And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.

Talk About It: Here are some discussion questions you can use to talk about our lesson…

  1. What’s your favorite part of the video? What’s one thing you learned from it?

  2. Make a list of things kids really want, like cool gaming systems, clothes, phones, etc. Why do kids want those things?

  3. Why can’t our stuff make us happy?

  4. What are some things God has given you? How can you show your parents (and God) how thankful you are for those things?

  5. Read Ecclesiastes 5:10-11. Why can’t money make us happy? What’s a better way to view money?

  6. How will you apply this lesson to your life this week?

Craft: Here is a fun, activity page for you to print and color!

(Click the image to download)

We love you guys!!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - How Stuff Works, Week 2

By Renewal Church  /  

Klubhouse Parents! If you did not receive the email update from us this past week, please click here to read about whats happening in Klubhouse this fall.

Rising 6th Graders- We are celebrating you with a drive-thru move-up party on Saturday, Aug 22, from 3-4pm! We will have a gift, some goodies and lots of air hugs for each of you! Please contact Mrs. Becky or Mrs. Heather for more information!

Talk About It: Here are some discussion questions you can use to talk about our lesson…

  1. What’s your favorite part of the video? What’s one thing you learned from it?

  2. Make a list of what a good friend looks like. Make a list of what a bad friend looks like.

  3. How have your friends rubbed off on you in a good way? How about in not so good ways?

  4. What are some qualities you should look for in a friend?

We love you guys!!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - How Stuff Works, Week 1

By Renewal Church  /  

Hello Klubhouse Friends! This week we are starting a 4-week series called, "How Stuff Works". We will be talking about things like: feelings, friendship, greed, and forgiveness! Check out the videos below for a message from Mrs. Becky along with today's lesson video and discussion questions!

Talk About It: Here are some discussion questions you can use to talk about our lesson…

  1. What’s your favorite part of the video? What’s one thing you learned from it?

  2. What makes you really happy? How do you act when you’re happy? What makes you angry? How do you typically act when you’re angry?

  3. Why do you think God gave us feelings?

  4. How can feelings hurt you or someone else?

  5. Think about the Stoplight 1-2-3. How can each of those steps help you the next time you have strong feelings toward someone or something?

  6. How will you apply this lesson to your life this week?

We love you guys!!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Wisdom, Week 4

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Hello Klubhouse Friends! We hope you are enjoying learning about wisdom with us! Click below for a message from Mrs. Becky and Today’s Lesson Video, Wisdom from Animals!

Talk About It: Here are some discussion questions you can use to talk about our lesson…

  1. What’s your favorite part of the video? What’s one thing you learned from it?

  2. What’s the coolest animal you’ve ever seen in a zoo or in a book? Describe why it was so cool to you?

  3. What does the ant teach us? What about the rock badger?

  4. Why do we need other Christians to help us? Where can we live with God in the future?

  5. How will you apply this lesson to your life this week?

Memory Verse: Proverbs 30:25 Ants—they aren’t strong, but they store up food all summer.

We love you and are praying for you!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Wisdom, Week 3

By Renewal Church  /  

Hello Klubhouse Friends! We hope you are enjoying learning about wisdom with us! Click below for a message from Mrs. Heather and Today’s Lesson Video:

Talk About It: Here are some discussion questions you can use to talk about our lesson…

  1. What’s your favorite part of the video? What’s one thing you learned from it?

  2. Make a list of good choices you should make at school. Make a list of good choices you should make at home.

  3. Why do you think God doesn’t want us to be robots?

  4. How do your parents help you to make good choices?

  5. How does the Bible help us to make good choices?

  6. How will you apply this lesson to your life this week?

Memory Verse: Proverbs 16:3 Commit your actions to the LORD, and your plans will succeed.

Craft: Can you guess what it is?!?

(Click the image to view the instructions!)

We love you and are praying for you!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Wisdom, Week 2

By Renewal Church  /  

Hello Klubhouse Friends! We hope you are enjoying learning about wisdom with us! Click below for a message from Mrs. Becky and Today’s Lesson Video:

Talk About It: Here are some discussion questions you can use to talk about our lesson…

  1. What’s your favorite part of the video? What’s one thing you learned from it?

  2. What are some unwise choices a kid can make? What about wise ones?

  3. Why do you think we should trust God’s perspective over our own?

  4. Why is it important to be kind?

Memory Verse: Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. 

Craft: Pinwheel Craft

(Click the image to view the instructions!)

We love you and are praying for you!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Wisdom, Week 1

By Renewal Church  /  

Hello Klubhouse Friends! For the rest of the summer, we are going to change things up a bit! We are going to spend the next several weeks looking at the book of Proverbs!

Click below for a message from Mrs. Becky and Today’s Lesson Video:

Talk About It: Here are some discussion questions you can use to talk about our lesson…

  1. What’s your favorite part of the video? What’s one thing you learned from it?

  2. What’s the best decision you’ve ever made? Explain. What’s a bad decision you’ve made? Explain.

  3. Who wrote the book of Proverbs? Who was his Dad?

  4. How do the proverbs help us?

  5. How does Jesus help us to live a smart and good life?

  6. Read James 3:13. How do our actions prove that we are wise? Why is humility important to honoring God?

  7. How will you apply this lesson to your life this week?

Craft: Here is a fun, color-by-number page for you to print and color!

(Click the image to download)

We love you and are praying for you!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather
