
Klubhouse - Mar 19, "A Dream Of Heaven"

By Renewal Church  /  


I am excited to share our lesson this week. It is our very last lesson in the Jesus storybook Bible! Beginning next week, we will switch to a brand new format, and I think you’re really going to really like it! Instead of seeing a video from me or Mrs. Heather, we will all get to watch a lesson video made by kiddos, just like you guys! There will be discussion questions, like we do now. I can’t wait for you to try it out!

Our March scripture comes from the very book in the Bible that we are talking about today, the very last one! Revelation 21:5 “I am making all things new.”

Check out this week’s lesson below…

Talk About It: Below are some discussion questions you can use to talk about the lesson today:

  1. Where was John when Jesus came to him? (In prison, on an island!)

  2. What kind of things did Jesus show John? (Jesus on a throne, people worshipping, all of the creatures, bright light from God)

  3. What message did Jesus have for John and everyone else? (“I am making all things new!”)

We look toward that day, when Jesus will come and bring heaven to earth. Come Lord Jesus!!

Activity: Today, you can make a picture of what Jesus showed John. See how many things you can remember to include your creation!

Have a great week! We love you!!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather
