
Klubhouse - Mar 19, "A Dream Of Heaven"

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I am excited to share our lesson this week. It is our very last lesson in the Jesus storybook Bible! Beginning next week, we will switch to a brand new format, and I think you’re really going to really like it! Instead of seeing a video from me or Mrs. Heather, we will all get to watch a lesson video made by kiddos, just like you guys! There will be discussion questions, like we do now. I can’t wait for you to try it out!

Our March scripture comes from the very book in the Bible that we are talking about today, the very last one! Revelation 21:5 “I am making all things new.”

Check out this week’s lesson below…

Talk About It: Below are some discussion questions you can use to talk about the lesson today:

  1. Where was John when Jesus came to him? (In prison, on an island!)

  2. What kind of things did Jesus show John? (Jesus on a throne, people worshipping, all of the creatures, bright light from God)

  3. What message did Jesus have for John and everyone else? (“I am making all things new!”)

We look toward that day, when Jesus will come and bring heaven to earth. Come Lord Jesus!!

Activity: Today, you can make a picture of what Jesus showed John. See how many things you can remember to include your creation!

Have a great week! We love you!!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Mar 12, "A New Way To See"

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Hi Guys!

We have two weeks left in our journey through the Jesus Storybook Bible! I especially love the lesson today. It is amazing!

Our March scripture is Revelation 21:5 “I am making all things new.”

Check out this week’s lesson below…

Talk About It: Below are some discussion questions you can use to talk about the lesson today:

  1. What was the name of the guy who was so great at keeping all of the rules? (Saul)

  2. What wild experience did Saul have on his way to Damascus? (Jesus met him, spoke to him, blinded him)

  3. What was the new message Paul had for everyone, when the blindness went away? (“It’s not about keeping rules! You don’t have to be good for God to love you!”)

  4. What does this story tell us about God? (God will do whatever it takes to reach whomever!)

I am so glad that God used Paul to spread this message! It is one that we still need to be reminded of today. There is not one thing that any of us can do to earn God’s love! It is a free gift, through Jesus.

Activity: Click here to download and print our craft today! 

Have a great week!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Mar 5, "God Sends Help"

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Hello! Happy March!!

I love March…lots of wonderful things happen in March! Spring comes this month…the weather starts to warm up…flowers start to bloom…everything starts to come back to life!!

Our scripture for March is probably the shortest one we have ever done. It is actually a promise from God to his people! Revelation 21:5 “I am making everything new!” One day, God will fix everything that is wrong in this world…he will make it all new!

In the coming weeks, we will finish up learning from the Jesus Storybook Bible. Can you believe it- we went through the ENTIRE BIBLE!? This week our lesson is about Jesus’ friends waiting on a special Helper. I can’t wait for you to watch the video and learn more about this!

Talk About It: Below are some discussion questions you can use to talk about the lesson today:

  1. What were Jesus’ friends waiting for in that room? (God’s power/the Holy Spirit)

  2. How did God show himself to these friends? (Flames on their heads!)

  3. What happened after that? (They ran to tell others about Jesus, Peter spoke to everyone and they understood in their own language!)

  4. What does all of this tell us about God? (He wants to live inside of us! He wants everyone to know!)

Have a great week everyone, we love you!

Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Feb 26, "The Best Kind Of Love"

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Hello Friends! 

Can you believe that just last week our yards were covered in snow, yet today it's warm and sunny outside? We hope that you get outside to enjoy some sunshine today.

This is our last lesson about LOVE this month. Our scripture for February is John 13:34b, ”Love one another. You must love one another just as I have loved you.”

Today we are talking about the best kind of love...Jesus' love for us! Click below for our lesson today!

Talk About It: Below are some discussion questions you can use to talk about the lesson today:

  1. Tell an adult something that you learned about nicodemus in this week's lesson. (He was a Jewish religious leader, he visited Jesus one night to ask Him some questions, he didn't have all of the answers, etc.)

  2. Jesus told Nicodemus that if he wanted to see the Kingdom Of God, he would need to be born again. What did Jesus mean by that? (He meant that when we believe that God sent his Son Jesus to die for us, that we become a new person. When we believe in God, we love Him so much that we want to live for Him)

  3. What is one of the coolest ways that God showed His love for us? Hint: it's from one of the verses we talked about, John 3:16. (God so loved the world that He sent His own Son to die for us so that we could live with Him forever)

  4. What are other ways that God shows His love for us? (He forgives our sins, He makes plans for us, He gives us nature to enjoy, He provides for our needs, etc.)

Have a great week everyone, we love you!

Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Feb 19, "Loving Can Be Hard"

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Hello Friends! 

Snooooow!! Have you had fun playing in the snow this week!? Mrs. Heather and I would LOVE to see some of your pictures! You can send them to us at!

We are continuing learning about LOVE this month. Our scripture for February is John 13:34b, ”Love one another. You must love one another just as I have loved you.”

Today we are talking about loving people who are hard to love. Do you know anyone like that?? Click below for our lesson today!

Talk About It: Below are some discussion questions you can use to talk about the lesson today:

  1. What did Jesus say were the 2 greatest commandments? (To love God with everything in us, and also love our neighbor as ourselves)

  2. In the story of the Prodigal Son, what did the Father do? What did the other brother do? (The Father waited and was happy when his son returned, the other brother was angry)

  3. What does this tell us about God? About People? (God is always loving and forgiving, sometimes we are not)

  4. What can we do when someone is hard to love? (Pray for them, find ways to show love)

Activity: Click here for a printable activity you can work on this week to identify people in your life who could use some love!

Have a great week everyone, we love you!

Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Feb 12, "Growing In Love"

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Hello Friends! 

Are you feeling the LOOOOVE? This Sunday is Valentine’s Day!

Our scripture for February is John 13:34b, ”Love one another. You must love one another just as I have loved you.”

Click below for our lesson today!

Talk About It: Below are some discussion questions you can use to talk about the lesson today:

  1. What are some of the words used to describe what love looks like in 1Corinthians 13? (Patient, kind, doesn’t keep a record of wrongs, not proud, bears all things, not rude, rejoices in the truth)

  2. What is something that love NEVER does? (Love never fails!)

  3. Can you think of ways that God’s love never fails us? (He always forgives us, he sent Jesus to pay for our sins so that we could be with him forever)

  4. Can you think of some ways that you can show true love this week?

Activity: Here is another Valentines Day coloring page that you can print and color

Have a great week everyone, and Happy Valentine’s Day!


Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Feb 5, "Talkin' About Love"

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Hello Friends! 

It’s February…the month of LOVE. We are going to pause once again on the Jesus Storybook Bible, to spend this month learning about love!

Our scripture for February is John 13:34b, ”Love one another. You must love one another just as I have loved you.”

Click below for our lesson today!

Talk About It: Below are some discussion questions you can use to talk about the lesson today: Read John 13:1-17 

  1. Why did Jesus wash His disciples’ feet? 

  2. What are some other things Jesus did to show His love? 

  3. Why is love more than just pretty words? 

  4. How can our actions show other people the love of Jesus? 

  5. What are some actions you can take this week to show someone you love them? 

Activity: Here is a Valentines Day coloring page that you can print and color

Why not take some time this week to work on a Valentine for someone in your family? Don’t forget to put your LOVE into action this week!!


Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Jan 29, "Going Home"

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Klubhouse Kids!

Isn't it amazing that no matter what is happening in the world around us, that we can always be assured that God has a plan? Just like Jesus' followers in this week's story, sometimes we don't understand His plan, but His ways are always THE BEST! Check out this week's lesson video to see what God's plan is for you and me.

January Scripture: Don’t forget to work on memorizing our scripture for this month: John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son. That whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.”

Talk About It: Below are some discussion questions you can use to talk about the lesson today:

  1. What did Jesus do with his followers when he found them in an upstairs room? (He ate and talked with them)

  2. What was so special about Jesus' body? (It was a real body, but better. It couldn't get sick or be killed again, and it could live forever)

  3. When Jesus told his friends that it was time for him to go home to his Father, what did he tell his friends to do? Hint: he wants us to do this too:) (Go everywhere and tell everyone that he loves them and died for them)

  4. What do you learn about Jesus from this story?

  5. Who do you know that needs to hear about this story?

Activity: Click here for an activity to practice this month's scripture verse. Click here for another practice activity.

Have a great week everyone!!

We love you guys!!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Jan 22, "God's Wonderful Surprise!"

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Klubhouse Kids!

Have you ever read a story where the ending didn't turn out how you expected it to? That's similar to how Jesus' followers felt after he died on the cross. That's not what they expected to happen. They thought he would be their king here on earth. Yet, God had another plan. A better plan. That plan would allow Jesus to defeat death once and for all.

January Scripture: Don’t forget to work on memorizing our scripture for this month: John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son. That whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.”

Talk About It: Below are some discussion questions you can use to talk about the lesson today:

  1. Why were Jesus' followers so sad at the beginning of our story? (Jesus dad just died on the cross and things weren't going how his followers expected)

  2. Why was Jesus not in the tomb when Mary Magdalene and the other women came to wash his body? (He had risen from the dead just like he said he would)

  3. What do we learn about Jesus in this story? (He keeps his promises, he defeated death, etc.)

  4. What do we learn about people/ourselves from this story? (We can trust that Jesus will do what he says he will do... even when things don't turn out as we think they should, God always has a plan)

Activity: Click on the links to download and print the coloring sheet from today’s video.

Have a great week everyone!!

We love you guys!!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Jan 15, "The Sun Stops Shining"

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Hello Everyone!

Last week we learned about Jesus’ dark night in the garden. He went to pray and spend time with God, because he knew that he was about to die. His followers weren’t ready, and they even tried to stop the soldiers from arresting Jesus! They didn’t realize that it was all a part of God’s plan to rescue the world! This week we have another lesson video to share with you. We hope that you will take some time to watch it and then talk about  it with a grown up that you love! Click below for a message from Mrs. Becky along with our video lesson for today…

January Scripture: Don’t forget to work on memorizing our scripture for this month: John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son. That whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”

Talk About It: Below are some discussion questions you can use to talk about the lesson today:

  1. How did the soldiers treat Jesus? (They made fun of him and then they nailed him to the cross)

  2. *Why didn’t Jesus rescue himself? (He knew that he had to die to pay for the sins of the world. He stayed because he loves us!)

  3. *What did Jesus say as he was dying? (“It is finished”)

  4. *What was finished? What had Jesus done? (Rescued the whole world!)

In our scripture this month, we learn that “whoever believes in him, will not perish but have eternal life.” God has made a way for us to be with him forever! If we believe that Jesus came to the earth to live and die and cover our sins, we can trust that even when our “earth suit” bodies die, we will live forever with God. When we choose to believe in Jesus, we trade our way of doing things (just living for ourselves, not obeying God), for God’s way of doing things! If you have never decided to do that, you can start today! You can simply talk to God and tell him that you want to live for him! If you do, please tell a grown up that you love, and email Mrs. Heather and I! We would love to know that you are following Jesus!

Have a wonderful week!!

Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Jan 8, "A Dark Night In The Garden"

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Hi Friends!

We hope that you had a good week! It is hard getting back into the swing of things after you’ve had a break!

We have a new scripture for January- John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

We pray that you will come to understand the love and truth of this verse as we complete our study of the New Testament! Click below for a message from Mrs. Becky along with our video lesson for today…

Talk About It: Below are some discussion questions you can use to talk about the lesson today:

  1. Why did Jesus want to go to the garden? (To pray/talk to God)

  2. How do you think Jesus was feeling about what was about to happen? (Scared, lonely, love)

  3. What Did Jesus do when Peter tried to defend him? (He told him it was not the way)
    *What happened to Jesus’ friends once he was arrested? (They hid)

  4. What does this story show us about Jesus’ love for us? (He was willing to be scared, arrested, alone and killed for us…He loves us!)

Activity: Here is a coloring page you can download and print today!

We love you!!

Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Jan 1, "The Servant King"

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Hello Everyone and Happy New Year!

I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year celebration with the people that you love!

After a couple of months off, we are returning to the Jesus Storybook Bible! If you remember, the Bible is one continuous story- from the Old Testament (before Jesus’ birth) through the New Testament (Jesus’ birth and beyond). We will have completed the WHOLE BIBLE within the next few months…how exciting!

Our scripture for January is one that you may have heard before: John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Today we pick up where we left off in October. If you remember, we had just learned about Jesus sitting down to dinner with some friends, and a woman came in and washed Jesus’ feet with very expensive perfume and her hair! Do you remember that story? This week, the friends are again at a dinner! I think they liked to eat as much as I do!! 

Anyway…click below to watch a video about our lesson!

Talk About It: Here are some discussion points you can use to talk about the lesson today:

  1. What has Jesus taught us in today's Bible lesson?

  2. Why should we follow what Jesus did?

  3. Why do you think Jesus came to serve?

  4. Is it better to have wealth, power, and position, or be a servant? Why?

Activity: Here is a fun worksheet you can download and print today!

Enjoy the rest of your break, guys! We love you!!

We love you guys!!

Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Merry Christmas!!!

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Merry Christmas Everyone!

We pray that you have a wonderful time with your family and take time to remember what Christmas is all about! We have included here a little nativity for you to print and color. You can use it for decoration, or have some fun with it, re-telling the story of Jesus’ birth. Jesus has come to live in us! “His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, the Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6


Nativity Scene: page 1
Nativity Scene: page 2

We love you so much!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Dec 18, "Love"

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Klubhouse Kids!

Merry Christmas everyone!! Click the video below to hear a message from Mrs. Heather…

December Scripture: “…His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

Talk About It: Here are some discussion points you can use to talk about the lesson today:

  1. Who are the people you love the most?

  2. What would you be willing to give up for those you love? (favorite toy, let your sibling choose what TV show to watch, etc) 

  3. How does Jesus' birth relate to God's love for us? 

  4. Who could benefit from hearing the story about Jesus' birth in your life?

Activity: Click on the links to download and print the coloring sheet and the ornament from today’s video.

Merry Christmas!! Have a great week everyone!!

We love you guys!!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Dec 11, “Joy"

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Klubhouse Kids!

“JOY to the world…the Lord has come!”

I love that Christmas you know that one? This week our theme is JOY! When Jesus came to the earth he brought so much joy- check out the video below to find out more about this!

December Scripture: “…His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

Talk About It: Here are some discussion points you can use to talk about the lesson today:

  1. What was the name of Mary’s cousin? (Elizabeth)

  2. What happened to Zechariah when he doubted the angel’s message? (He couldn’t speak)

  3. What did the angel say to Mary? (She was going to have a baby…Jesus!)

  4. How do you think Mary felt about this? Scared? Happy?

  5. How does Jesus bring JOY into the world? 

Activity: Here is a link to the ornament from the video today.

Advent Calendar: Don’t forget- it’s not too late to download and print this FREE Advent Calendar and ornaments from the Jesus Storybook Bible!

Have a great week everyone!!

We love you guys!!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Dec 4, “ Peace"

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Klubhouse Kids!

It’s beginning to look (and feel) a lot like Christmas! Have you put up your Christmas tree yet? We put ours up this week and it makes me so happy to look at it! There are a lot of fun memories associated with each ornament, and the beautiful lights remind me of the star that hung high in the sky on the night Jesus was born!

December Scripture: “…His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

Talk About It: Here are some questions you can use to talk about the lesson video today!

  1. What is the Advent theme for this week? (Peace)

  2. How does Jesus bring peace? (He became a bridge between us and God…he restored PEACE in our relationship with him, He gives us peace in our hearts when we are afraid)

  3. What can you do to get peace? (Just ask God to give it to you!)

Activity: Here is a sweet coloring page for you to print!

Advent Calendar: Don’t forget- it’s not too late to download and print this FREE Advent Calendar and ornaments from the Jesus Storybook Bible!

Have a great week everyone!!

We love you guys!!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Nov 27, “Hope"

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Klubhouse Kids!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! We are just about to begin the month of December, and of course this month, we turn our attention to the birth of Jesus! Our scripture for December is actually a prophesy about Jesus, who would come to save his people.

December Scripture: “…His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

Talk About It: Use these questions to talk about today’s lesson:

  1. What are some things that people HOPE for around the holidays? (Peace, toys, snow)

  2. What or Who is really the HOPE of Christmas? (Jesus)

  3. What reason does Jesus give us to HOPE? (He gives us life with Him forever, He connects us back to God, He forgives us)

Advent Calendar: Click the link for a printable Advent calendar for your family to enjoy!

Have a great week everyone!!

We love you guys!!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Nov 20, “Thankfulness Through Sharing"

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Klubhouse Kids!

Hi Klubhouse friends! Can you believe that it's Thanksgiving week!? We hope that you have a wonderful week with your family and enjoy the beautiful weather that God has given us. We're learning about being thankful, so that we can share with others this week. Did you know that the Bible encourages us to share with others and that when we do this, it pleases God? We hope that you have so much fun with the activity that we have planned for you this week...making your very own Blessing bag! We'd love to see the Blessing bag that your family makes. Snap a picture of it and send it to us at

November Scripture: Ephesians 5:20 “…giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Talk About It: Here are some discussion questions to think about and talk about today:

  1. Why Does God Want Us To Share With Others In Need?

  2. What Are Some Ways That You Can Be Compassionate And Caring Toward Those You Encounter This Week?

  3. Discuss With An Adult Several Ways That Jesus Was Compassionate And Caring Toward Those He Encountered When He Was Here On Earth.

Don't forget this fun video Mrs. Faith and her boys did! Have fun dancing and singing along with them!

Have a great week everyone!!

We love you guys!!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Nov 13, “Thankful Even When It's Hard"

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Klubhouse Kids!

Hi Friends! Everything is so beautiful outside- I am thankful that God has created amazing nature for us to enjoy! We are talking all about Thankfulness in November, and today we will discuss being thankful even when it's hard. Our prayer for you, is that even if you are having a hard time right now, you will know that Jesus cares and is near to you!

November Scripture: Ephesians 5:20 “…giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Talk About It: Here are some discussion questions to think about and talk about today:

  1. Does God care when things are hard for us? How do we know? (YES! His word tells us over and over)

  2. What is a way that we can connect with God, even though we are hurting? (We can worship Him)

  3. What are some of the ways that we can worship God? (Praying, singing, instruments, dancing)

Don't forget this fun video Mrs. Faith and her boys did! Have fun dancing and singing along with them!

Matching Game: Check out this game you can print out and play with your family this week! Be sure to print two copies, as it is a matching game! 

Have a great week everyone!!

We love you guys!!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather


Klubhouse - Nov 6, “Thankful For What You Have"

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Klubhouse Kids!

Hello! I hope that you have had a great week! Did you make a Thankfulness chain? It’s not too late, you can make yours any time!

November Scripture: Ephesians 5:20 “…giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

This week we will continue learning about thankfulness with the help of a few special friends! Click below to find out what I mean!

Talk About It: Below are some points you can use to talk about the lesson:

  1. What is the “password” we can use when we come to God?

  2. What are some things that you have that you are thankful for?

  3. What things has God done for you that you can be thankful for?

Click here for your “Thankful List”

And check out this cool praise video that Mrs. Faith and her boys, Nathan and Owen made! Have fun dancing along with them!

Have a great week everyone!!

We love you guys!!
Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Heather
