
No Place Left: At First He Was Fearful, But Then...

By Ron Surgeon  /  

My friend Logan and I are advancing the good news of Christ in a low- income apartment complex in south Memphis. A variety of holistic ministries are happening there such as after school tutoring, courses for attaining a General Education Diploma, the development of a community garden, mentoring, assistance for new mothers, dental clinics, job clinics and more. Alongside the enforcement of armed guards policing the grounds, this place is under the arrest of multiple vices ranging from neglectful parenting, to drug abuse and distribution, gang affiliation and enticement, bullying, uncleanliness, verbal abuse, abortion and many other things which contribute to the destruction of community.

In the midst of all this drama, the drama of the gospel is spreading like dandelion seeds in a summer’s breeze. Among a few others, we were able to see Jonathan and his household embrace a change of heart about living for themselves to living for King Jesus from now on (2 Cor. 5:15). Monday May 11th Logan and I trained them how to share the gospel, we practiced, and Jon stated how he really wants God to use him. I assured Jon that God would use him. In fact, I told him today could be the day because we could visit his neighbors, pray for their needs, and tell them what Christ has done to reconcile them to God. “I don’t know about that,” Jon replied, “I will let you all do the talking.” “No worries”, I asserted, “we will model before you what we’re requesting and assist you in doing it.” Afterward, we set a goal to go out, then we prayed God would use us, and punch fear in the face. After praying the place begin to shake, not really, but we all were ready to go out. Jon suggested we should visit his neighbor, Mr. Henry, who lives two doors down. We all rose to visit Mr. Henry and his family. We were privileged to pray for the needs of Mr. Henry and family. Mr. Henry is a man who is solid in faith with a son far from God. Logan began to share beautiful stories from the life of Jesus with the family; the Spirit was active among us. Jonathan and I began talking with Clifford about King Jesus. As we shared, Jonathan experienced the Lord working through him. Furthermore, Clifford’s eyes were opened to see who Jesus truly is and what Jesus has really done. That day Jesus became Clifford’s King. That day God in heaven became Clifford’s Father. Mr. Henry, Clifford’s earthly father, had the benefit of witnessing Clifford’s adoption into the family of God. Gladly, we have begun discipleship within Mr. Henry’s home. Great is the Lord!

No place left,

Ron Surgeon

Malachi 1:11