
Struggle With Porn?

By Chris Bennett  /  

I believe one of the greatest scourges in our world today is pornography. It is a wicked vortex that is sweeping the masses into a dark world of addiction, lies, and deep, deep brokenness. As a pastor, I hear countless stories of how it is ravaging the lives of men, women, and children.

Today, a friend reminded me of a haunting quote by the brilliant C.S. Lewis from his masterpiece, 'Mere Christianity.' Keep in mind that this statement on the issue of sex was put in print forty years before the dawn of the internet - a tool that would make porn affordable, accessible, and anonymous:

"There are people who want to keep our sex instinct inflamed in order to make money out of us. Because, of course, a man with an obsession is a man who has very little sales-resistance."

What is especially heartbreaking, from a pastoral perspective, is the stigma that is attached to this particular addiction which causes people to remain in the shadows fighting this specter all alone. Outside of community. (I have been told several times by people that if their spouses found out they struggled with porn they would divorce them. Not much of an impetus to come clean and seek healing.)

Today, I came across a promising tool that could help you begin to take the first crucial steps in the healing/repentance process in your life. Or, it may simply further equip you as you continue the fight in honoring God with your mind and body, not to mention experiencing the joy that comes with the cultivation of a life that is no longer sexualized. (Note: The desire for sex is not evil. After all, God created it! But when our lives are fixated on it we slowly die. Idolatry in any form dehumanizes us because we were created to worship God.)

This tool was created by X3 Church and is a cluster of four online workshops geared specifically to men, women, couples, or parents. Check it out! Maybe it will help!