
Giving: In The Trenches

By Ron Surgeon  /  

On Wednesday, May 13th, I was meeting with a disciple, whose name is Gannon. I want to share with you a goal we set in response to a study of the Widow’s mite in Mark 12. But before we begin I’d like to inform you of how our time together was facilitated. Usually we start by caring for each other’s soul: praying for each other and confessing sin. Afterward we read a psalm, which functions as the means by which we would ascribe worth to God (worth-ship/worship).

No Place Left: At First He Was Fearful, But Then...

By Ron Surgeon  /  

My friend Logan and I are advancing the good news of Christ in a low- income apartment complex in south Memphis. A variety of holistic ministries are happening there such as after school tutoring, courses for attaining a General Education Diploma, the development of a community garden, mentoring, assistance for new mothers, dental clinics, job clinics and more. Alongside the enforcement of armed guards policing the grounds, this place is under the arrest of multiple vices ranging from neglectful parenting, to drug abuse and distribution, gang affiliation and enticement, bullying, uncleanliness, verbal abuse, abortion and many other things which contribute to the destruction of community.

No Place Left: Normal Is Remarkable

By Ron Surgeon  /  

Every aspect of our lives should be seen as a means by which people can encounter God. This is how we define being missional! Extraordinary things happen when ordinary lives, like ours, are under the reign of an extraordinary God. All facets of life (work included) are considered acts of worship because the compartmentalization of sacred and secular fails to be persuasive categories for the Christian who sees all of life as subject to the authority of a Sovereign Christ.

No Place Left: A Prayer Update

By Ron Surgeon  /  

Friends, I am grateful for the privilege to write to you and give an update of Dad's sweet grace. This letter is a plea for your effectual prayers. Within the Memphis Metro area we have approximately 1.4 million people. Our aim and Kingdom inspired agenda is to see the entire population saturated with the gospel in such a way that multiplying churches and disciples are emerging everywhere.

"On God's Front Porch Is Where I Want To Be!"

By Renewal Church  /  

Thursday evening a few weeks ago I noticed on Facebook that a dear friend was planning on being in service the following Sunday. She sings a song entitled It Is Well With My Soul. Thinking about that song I began to question in my mind, is it really well in my soul God? With colon surgery on December 10th, followed by a urinary tract infection, followed by two in excess of 90% blocked arteries that required the implant of two stints, my faith was very low...

Cardio For The Soul

By Ron Surgeon  /  

I’ve been reflecting on Paul’s love for his Jewish brothers who were unbelievers in Jesus. Paul’s heart was full of sorrow and anguish for them (Rom. 9:1-3). His prayers and pursuit of their salvation showed how much anguish was in his heart. James Hudson Taylor stated, "I have seen many men work without praying, though I have never seen any good come out of it; but I have never seen a man pray without working." Prayer and action are twins. I’m asking God to break my heart like this!

But He's Only Six Months Old, Guys!

By Ron Surgeon  /  

Surprised by Babes

I recently returned from meeting with networks of multiplying churches and leaders in North India. I visited one network of 225 simple churches represented by 20 or so disciples. An older woman who shared the gospel, invested in a faithful man whom she led to Jesus and through him multiple generations of disciples and churches emerged, initiated the network. As I sat among this small group of leaders listening to stories of their encounters with Christ and how many churches the trainers started, one really intrigued me.

Missional Community Stories: "People Who Love Board Games!"

By Izzy Walker  /  

A Story by Clarence and Tonya Williams

We have been looking for ways to transition our small group into a missional community- we want to learn how we can intersect our lives with unbelievers more. I came across a website called and I discovered that there is a group for just about every interest imaginable! And if you can’t find one you’re interested in, you can create one! There’s a croqueting club, outdoor adventure groups, a couples-only group, women without children, women over 40, an atheist group, a Spanish club, a French club, book clubs, moviegoers club, etc. And it’s nationwide! 

Well, Tonya and I love board games. Since we already have frequent game nights with friends, we decided that sacrificing some of that time would give us the perfect opportunity to meet unbelievers while doing something we enjoy.  We made a profile together and joined the “People Who Love Board Games!” We RSVP’d online. The night before, I checked the profiles of the people who were coming and realized there were a couple of people who were also members of the Atheist group. Some others were members of a “Geek and Free Thought Alliance Club.” I thought to myself, “We must be crazy to even entertain this idea.” I prayed that night that Jesus would shine through our lives.

Game night took place right in our neighborhood! The couple that hosted the event lived two blocks from our house! That crazy Friday night we sat outside in our car for a few minutes trying to talk ourselves out of going inside. Nevertheless, we mustered up the courage to go inside. For me, it felt like going to my first college party…but with much older people. And that’s not a good thing! Although my uncomfortable feeling was quickly soothed by pizza and Dr. Pepper, Tonya was having a panic attack after being surrounded by a 6’3” 500 lb. tattooed woman and her 6’5” 400lbs tattooed husband! We were so uncomfortable! Tonya was immediately trying to catch my eye to figure out an escape.  The girl who was a part of the atheist group avoided us at first. She quickly introduced herself and left after a short game. We were finally able to relax somewhat and laughed and played a great strategy game. Tonya sat next to the tattooed lady and talked to her about her own tattoos. Tonya even showed hers as well!

As I looked around at the four different game tables filled with people from all kinds of backgrounds, it was clear to me that they operated like a small group. They have been attending game nights together for over two years. I witnessed them caring for the host couple’s kids and even going upstairs and putting the kids in bed while the parents were playing. They were eating together and enjoying each others' company. They started at 7:30pm and many times don’t end until 4am.  They meet at different houses Wednesdays, Fridays and most Saturdays for many hours. The host couples (they rotate) open their homes to anyone who makes a profile and signs up to join the club! And there were some interesting folks. There was even a guy who talked to himself very loudly. I didn't see any Bluetooth device so I'm pretty sure he was answering his own questions! There were three major observations that affected me the most: One- The host couple just laughed and tried to make everyone feel at home. I was humbled by the fact that unbelievers would open their home to this many types of characters, because I wouldn't have done it and I am a believer. Two- There were quite a few young, single men there playing board games with 30-50 year olds on a Friday night! But when you look closer, you see these guys enjoying a place where they feel they belong- no judgment, no pretending, just an atmosphere created to relax and have fun. How much do we still pretend in our own gatherings? (Something to ponder while I waited for my next turn to play.) And three- After we left around 11:30pm (because we could tell they were getting too relaxed and it was really about to get crazy), I prayed and realized how uncomfortable we were in the midst of all those unbelievers. And it hit me, “Why do I think that Jesus should automatically be so comfortable with our gatherings? We're sinners too…only difference is we are redeemed by Christ! A holy God sits in our midst every time we gather and loves us too much to feel uncomfortable.” That humbled me. I prayed for each person I had met by name. I prayed that they would have a holy encounter. I'm sure most of the people we met probably have NO ONE bringing their names to the feet of Jesus and NO ONE asking Christ how to serve them. That's why He allowed us to be there and that's why we're going back. Only next time, Tonya and I will pray together days before (and after!) We didn't pray before we went to their house- our mistake. But we are forever learning how to depend on the Spirit and not just ourselves. That next morning I looked at Tonya and my heart overflowed that we get to be Jesus' hands and feet together.

I am humbled and grateful that I have a wife who loves me like Christ, and that I get many chances to love and serve her through Christ.


You're Not In God's Doghouse

By Chris Bennett  /  

What if God unmistakably commanded you to go and pray for a person who had a warrant for your arrest which would probably lead to your unfair trial and imprisonment? Not sure I would go either. But in Acts 9, there's this obscure Christian man in the town of Damascus who received this exact command from God.

Parenting Your Kids’ Brains This Summer

By Chris Bennett  /  

It was the summer of my eighth grade year - the summer my dad almost ruined. After several years of sub-par academic performance, he had had enough. He announced to me that I would be submitting to him a one page report at dinner each weekday during the summer. In each report, I had to identify two opposing op-eds in the newspaper, interpret both positions, and submit to him my analysis, along with my own opinion. At first, I didn't know how I’d fit this into my hectic schedule of basketball, Nintendo, and reruns of Buck Rogers and the Three Stooges. But there was no sense debating the issue. He ruled and I had to submit.